Saturday, July 29, 2006


Hope is like oxygen. Without it, you're as good as dead. Too much of it makes you stupid, then sends you into conniptions. If you're lucky, your friends will take enough of it away for you to regain your senses and your health. And because you're out of your mind, you won't appreciate it until after you've stopped being giddy, defensive, and hostile. (Don't forget to thank them afterwards. Loyal friends aren't to be taken for granted.)

If you're alone, you better damn well learn to regulate your own hopes. Keep your expectations realistic, even cynical, but don't lose it all, especially if you've ever experienced suicidal thoughts. Stay away from those extremes. It's harder than it sounds, because you can never really be sure that the internal diagnostics are properly calibrated.

Really, sometimes I don't know how the hell any of us can keep it all together on our own.